
Peace - at Last


13 Dec 1918 - 30 Jul 2009
Grandma Cook passed away in the early hours of this morning.



Blast From the Past

Forty years ago, I was in Vietnam, took a lot of shots and now don't know what most of there are about. What I could recognize I put up on Google here.

It includes a shot of a Spanish lass that ran an orphanage in Saigon whose name was Rosa Tintore

Our unit in Saigon had the Dong Chau and Terres des Hommes orphanages as part of the Civic or Civil Action that we did. There's a couple of photos in the AWM that I guess were used as publicity or PR photos at the time, they are
here and here.

Well out of the blue, I get an e-mail from a 42 yo lady, Dorothée, now living in France, but born in Vietnam and spent the first couple of years in orphanages, including the one run by Rosa before being adopted out. She was seeking to find her roots, gathering all scraps of information that might help.

I have no idea what happened to the orphanage, this extract from the 110 Sig Sqn war diaries indicates that it was having bureaucratic problems, Rosa was to marry, which I know she did, and she disappeared, none of us ever heard of her again.

So if any stray readers of Blogland can throw any further light on this almost forgotten part of my life, I would be pleased to hear from you.


Ginnenderra Ck


On a regular ride along Ginnenderra Ck, a new sign has popped up. Here is the map:

View Restoration in a larger map

I was originally bemused by the fact that the before and after pictures were different, but I guess they took an "after" picture of somewhere else.

Last comment was in relation to pollution control. Ever since the willow trees were removed, 15 years ago, the creek has started to rejuvenate. Slow process, guess I wont see the end, but at least it is happening.



Tash and Courtney


Tash climbing (11 secs)

Courtney climbing (also 11 secs)


Good Old Canberra Times


Can you spot what's wrong here?



Just bringing it to your attention a bit better!



Cold, Cold Morning!


10 am, still cold, brrrrrrrrr



Why I Want To Stay in Bed


Rained, sleeted hailed or whatever last night. Getting up and looking out was miserable.

Welcome to the *real* winter