
Farewell Tom

People come into your life and sometimes they go, leaving you to muse "wonder what happened to...". Well in Tom's case, he came and stayed and it was a pleasure to know him and say farewell today at a lovely service with his kids giving a naturally emotional eulogy.

His coffin was draped in the the flag of his homeland, Norway. In his youth he had been part of the resistance, and there were many ex servicemen there to honour him. Later he came to Australia, married and by the time he left us, his eldest grandson had turned 21.

Eric and Allison were the older children, Paul and Marie, twins, were the youngest and it was through my eldest daughter and the twins that I came to know Mr B as he was affectionately known.

Farewell for now Tom

1 comment:

Me said...

My condolences to Mr. B's family.