
7 Sep 2005

My urti had gone another stage, but not much you can do other than buy some paracetamol.

What are these flowers?
En route to my daughters

Left my daughters place and caught the train to Gosford and went for a small ride up to Narara. There I met up with a friend of now some 46 years (yikes). He hasn't had much luck. First a divorce, and then the death of two of his kids, then his second wife, and then a daughter.

I suspect life has taken its toll of him, but he copes, and has a 14 yo son by the second marriage to keep him going. And then it was farewell, as in Julius Caesar;

If we do meet again, why, we shall smile;
If not, why then, this parting was well made.

Rode onto Wyong before catching the train to Newcastle. My coughing was getting pretty bad and took a private room at the YHA, don't think anyone would have appreciated my wheezing.
Had a standard dinner, plus a few paracetamols and went to bed.

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