
Wearing Cardboard in Your Shoes

Into my mother's mailbox comes "The Village News". Six pages of A4 printed both sides. Exciting news like nesting birds so please keep pussy away, and people still not knowing what 20 km/h meant! But amongst all this was a lovely poem which I have copied verbatum, including the attribution.

I know what it is like to lose, I learnt a lesson long ago
Wearing cardboard in my shoes.

The early years were very hard with no Dad to support my needs
For he had gone to heaven to sow his garden seeds.
Then in the midst of loneliness, sadness and strife
Words like rationing and war became reality in my life.


My children never learn the lesson for they were truely blessed
With two parents who really loved them no matter how they messed.


As I ponder on peace and calm I know what I would choose
To be content with what I have
Cause I've worn cardboard in my shoes

Attributed to Joan Ellaway (1966)

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