
A Book I Did Read

I was given a book for my birthday, "One More Kilometre and We're in the Showers" by Tim Hilton. Its ISBN is 0006532284 and published by Harper Perennial.

Not having read a book for five years, (magazines are my short attention span preference) I took it slowly in case it inflicted eye damage.

It was interesting and not interesting, as one of the reviewers said, "a deeply affectionate mental scrapbook of cycling lore...." But european/pommyland orientated.

His communist upbringing was a joy to read, reminding me of my youth where communist were under every bed and any self respecting parent would educate their children as to who were communists. Better RED than DEAD was a cry of the 50's schoolyard.

But by and large, I suspect the book would do well in the cycling clubs of PommyLand where the legends of yesterday's european cycling are probably relevant.

It will take me another five years to build up the courage to read another book!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it through it!