
Visit to Adelaide

The Australian Tour Down Under is now on the international circuit and a friend and I went to South Australia for a bit of a look.

It was interesting, but for me a case of "been there and done that". There is something odd about watching races, here they come, there they go, its all over in a few seconds. The last day was a 16 lap circuit in the CBD of Adelaide, that was all right.

Anyway while there took the opportunity to do a few things, did a few rides, visited a couple of friends and went look see at the house we lived in 1970-72. Sort of thing you shouldn't do, it all changes and sometimes you have trouble reconciling the present with the past.

Anyway, the cycle trips were a bit more interesting.

The Reisling trail runs between Auburn and Clare along a rail trail. Great ride and recommended to anyone visiting that part of the world.

The photo shows John Henderson on part of the trail, quite pretty.

The Torrens Way runs from Glenelg to the North eastern suburbs of Adelaide (the end Gorge Rd). Well marked and very interesting. Well worth the ride, about four hours on my part by the time I did a few detours and chatted to others.

The picture is a bit misleading, the river is only like this for a small part of the route. But nonetheless still pretty.

The Torrens - Just out of the city

This next link also has another reference to the Riesling trail.
Coast to the Vines. This one was a bit confusing due to road works, we ended up doing about 4 Km in the first hour because we didn't know where to go. Eventually we met up with another cyclist who put us straight. We saw a bit of the TDU but had to cut the trip short due to running out of time. Maybe worth a visit another year.

On the Vines Trail!!

We stayed at Gawler, See The Map. Not a bad place to stay with a motor rail service to the city, about an hours trip. Regular and a good service.

$7.70 is not bad, considering you also use the ticket on the trams and buses. There is only one tramline, to Glenelg, a nice ride.

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