
Bluetooth Madness

I am a sucker for gizmos. Went to the computer markets a couple of weeks ago and saw a Bluetooth dongle for 12 Aussie dollars, just had to have it, cute.

My $12 BT Dongle!

So I plugged it in, and a little bluetooth icon popped up, nice, but now what!

Well what happened is that I have been on a fairly fast learning curve. I was given a bluetooth enabled phone. Notice the crack across the front panel, it removes a complete section of the panel from view so setting up menus is a bit of a guessing game.

Anyway I have so far been able to link to it and get some details about it using the hcitool.

On the windows (XP) machine, there was an installation disk which brought up a nice gui and did most of the things I am trying to do in Linux. As a friend said, "If linux does nothing else, it teaches you to read".

So I am still reading. Come back next year.

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