I started life off with a RH 4.8 and it took 200 MBytes! Times move on, went to Mandrake and then Ubuntu with a few odd ones in between, including some LFS builds.
Anyway, on one of the magazines DVD was a Fedora 8. Went onto my computer, an AMD XP 2600 with a gig of ram, without a hitch.
Generally OK, but updates seem to be a bit of a hassle, twice now there have been updates of over 60 programs, and twice it has stalled on the updates.
It seems to down load them ok, but get confused trying to install them. I simply selected a few updates at a time and as they were already downloaded, they 'updated' without any problem.
One other hiccup was that the UIDs started at 500 and Ubuntu and friends start at 1000, but that was more of a minor configuration problem.
Also it uses LVM, something new to learn!
Generally OK, I won't be switching from this Ubuntu though. It's close to a year old now and hasn't given me any problems.
It came with Scribus 1.3.4, and was able to builds the svn versions of 1.3.3 and 1.3.5 without any problems. Also built a Gimp in /opt without any problems either as all the required libraries were on the DVD. This Ubuntu 7.04 still hasn't had the glib and gtk++ etc libraries updated making recent Gimp builds a bit more tedious.
1 comment:
Uniquely interesting blog; a good read.
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