
Born Loser

Recently haven't had much luck with shopping.

1. As a general rule anything I want to buy does not have a price tag on it. Dug my heals in and got a shop assistant to tell me the price of the chillis (I only wanted 40 cents worth). $9.95 he said so I bought 2 of them and took them to the checkout. $14.95 Kg the machine said, so I stood on my digs and eventually they gave them to me for $9.95, might have saved a couple of cents.

2. The local supermarket had a single queue, multi server checkout system. Now they have changed it to a multi queue, multi server system. This is a bad system as it is not fair to the customer, but I guess Woolworths shareholders don't give two stuffs about their customers. Anyway, I espied a queue with no one so ducked into it only to be confronted with the check out operator changing a receipt roll, which didn't go too well for her. Would have been better off in my original queue. A dissatisfaction that would not have happened with the single queue, multi server system.

3. Now I feel better

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