On IRC, someone asked about slicing in GIMP. Looking at the Perl modules, I found one by Ron Savage called Image::Magick::Tiler.
Took a screenshot of my desktop, ran the program below and the above image is a composite from the "slices"
use Image::Magick::Tiler;
Image::Magick::Tiler -> new
input_file => 'desktop.png',
geometry => '3x4+0+0',
output_dir => '/home/owen/Perlscripts',
output_type => 'jpg',
return => '1',
write => '1',
) -> tile();
I thought I would upload the twelve bits of the image and enclose each in a table, but the formatting was awful. Not really interested in psyching out why Google makes these things so damn hard.
Not sure I am into slicing images, but there is an easy way to do it. It rquires ImageMagick as the backend, so if you wanted to, just do it directly from ImageMagick.