

Downloaded this by bittorrent a few weeks ago, 700 MBytes. I have left my machine on and so far uploaded close to 3 Gbytes. Marvellous program. Three weeks ago, there were up to 50 people pulling out of my computer, now it has dropped to 20 so looks like everyone is getting it one way or the other.

Installed it with the intention of switching back to my Suse-10.2, but once installed, I haven't been back. Just transferred all my mail from the Suse partition and a few other things as well and don't think I will ever go back.

Learnt a few things about backups, so I am going to do it right this time :-)
basically all I save is my mail and address books. There are a few config files, but if the worst came to the worst nothing really lost except some convenience.

Everything just works, great!

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