Bought a 233MHz P2 in 1998 with a 2.1 GByte HDD. It started off as a W95 machine and later became a W98 one. Also bought a MicroTek Scanmaster X6 in 2000.
By 2000 I had started to become interested in Linux and as the years went on, the W98 system was used only for scanning, ye olde X6 didn't work with Linux. Eventually the 233 became too slow for some of the stuff I wanted to do (how about 8 hours + to build Qt!) so I purchased a AMD XP2600 and with 500 Meg of memory, it seems to do almost all I want quite quickly and effeciently.
Yesterday I bought a router, and today, a beautiful day that should have been spent outdoors, was taken up re-commissioning the P2. Put the old 2.1 G HDD back in, and reinstalled W98, the scanner software, the USB software and the Nero CD stuff.
In a caddy there is an 8Gig HDD (they were the largest things in 1998!!!) Installing Slackware at the moment on that although I think I stuffed the partition sizes up so I'll have to do it again, but just doing it to see what Slackware is like.
The router gave me trouble, my ssh sessions were being terminated with idleness, but found in the man ssh_config file a keep alive option and set that to 180 seconds and that problem was fixed.
Also had a big clean up and threw out heaps of CDs, cor you collect a lot of rubbish over time. So that was Sunday. Homage to the great god computer!
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