
Today's Lesson(s)

A couple of months ago I installed Ubuntu-7.04. What I didn't say was that the installation was on a caddy and as it turns out this is not a very wise thing to do.

It was a 20Gbyte hdd and the menu.lst resided there as well. Someone suggested I should at least move the caddy grub to my first hard drive. That I did, grub-install hd0, reboot and BANG.

Heart attack pills were taken in great quantities, another reboot with a rescue CD failed, the BIOS wasn't picking up the hard drive and its slaved CDROM.

The drive was 8 years old, and I did have some warning last month. Putting a new 80 Gbyte hard drive into the caddy fixed the problem, and a Super Grub disk found all the grubs that allowed me to pick a standby system to use. A migrated site for Super Grub is here

Put Ubuntu back on, but this time on hdb, and will use the caddy for trail installations.

Sure wasted a day!

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