
CQ 2012

The Route (From the CQ 2012 Handbook)

Getting There

Left  Canberra with a friend 6 Sep, day one to Moree, day 2 to Caboolture, and then on the 8th, headed to Gayndah for our first ride and first night. Very hot day, very cold night!

People are Nice!

I packed my tent up in the dark at Biggenden, not only the tent, but my glasses as well. Silly me, but I had a spare set and on unpacking the tent at Maryborough found the glasses, but a bit damaged. An hour before the shops shut, rode into town and found a OPSM store.

As my spare glasses gave me an eye ache, (old lens) I was really prepared to pay anything to have my regular glasses fixed, but in the end, after 10 minutes of work, she gave me my glasses back, repaired. No charge. 

Another thank you to the lady in the Station Square Shopping Centre that did that.

A Bizarre Meeting.

We left Maryborough late so as to avoid mixing it with the morning peak hour traffic. Sitting on some seating watching the yoga classes, I found a ride tag and handed it in. Belonged to rider 1018, JimP.

Rode to Hervey Bay and set up camp and looked forward to the rest day. About lunch time on the rest day, hanging up some washing next to the tent, a limping man with a cane gets over the oval fence next to my tent. The conversation goes like this;

Him: Where's ride HQ?
me:   Just over there, but it's shut today, what were you after.
Him: I lost my ride ticket and just wondering if it had been found.
me:   (remembering his name) You JimP?

and it was, unbelievable coincidence.

Toy Story 3

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toy_Story_3 Each night there was a movie, in the mess hut or somewhere else. I saw this animated movie and am somewhat surprised that I sat all the way through it.

Odds and Ends

An oxymoron? In Hervey Bay, they were offering 4WD Eco Tours. I have problems linking 4 WDs to Ecology.

Somewhere near the Dickabram Bridge a couple of riders found a cute little dog, running along the road. Ride organizers had their time cut out trying to find the owner, and in the end left it at a pub where it was hoped the word would get round to the owner eventually.
ps. "Bicycle Queensland" is on Facebook. Found this entry for 20 Sep ...
Hey Cycle Queensland riders .... remember the lost dog near Woolooga? It's just been reunited with its owner.

Some photos and even more shots from Bicycle Queensland

Dressing up

This is Nat. Each day she was exquisitely dressed in a period outfit. Made my day each time she passed.

Reminded me of the Polka Dot lady from 2007
From BBR 2007

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