
Christmas Eye

Thursday, 29 November at about 11:00pm, woke up with an excruciating pain in the right eye.

Could not see out of the eye, it was though a sheet of frosted, and partly opaque glass was in front of the eye.

I presented to the hospital emergency at 8:30 am 30 Nov and was given an appointment at the eye clinic at 2:00pm.

The wound was dressed with a "bandage", I was given Chlorsig antibiotic eyedrops, eight times a day, every two hours and dilating drop, something like Cyclopentolate, one  drop, three times a day.

Went home and googled Christmas eye Nasty!

Returned to the eye clinic 4 Dec, the pain had gone but the vision was still blurry or frosted up. Was prescribed more Chlorsig and a steorid, FML (flurometholone) and given a appointment to return 18 Dec

On 8 Dec, I could see with minor distortion, guess I am going to need the full two weeks of drops.

Would not wish Christmas eye (apparently also known as harvest eye) on my worst enemy.

Friday, 28 December.  From my visit on the 18th, I was to continue with the drops, twice a day for a week, then once a day for another week. That finishes in three days time.

I expect there will still be a period of "normalization" but things aren't too bad.

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